The police discharged us and apologized for inconveniencing us by the detention. The police went on to explain that after learning Gerry had a juvie record they had jumped to conclusions.
I looked at my new husband in shock, “A juvie record? What the hell for? Why do the Americans know about this detail and not me?”
He looked at me and blushed. “I was out drinking with the guys in the field behind the 400 drive-in and someone dared me to go tip a cow on a nearby farm… I got caught, and the other guys ran. I wanted to squeal but thought better of it. The record is locked, but since 9/11 these guys apparently check everyone to be sure that we are not a threat to homeland security. I don’t believe in murder for one thing, and they realize now that their cows are in no danger of being knocked over.”
I was still somewhat incredulous that my hubby had a record and had neglected to inform me. “Cow tipping Gerry, really?”

You can find “Daytona Dead”
(Laura and Gerry Mysteries, Book 3)
by Karen Vaughan at:

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