“Hello…anybody home?”
Near the unidentified light source in the rear of the building I heard a rustling and saw an old man stand up from an overstuffed chair that I hadn’t noticed.
He peeked at me over small wire rim glasses, ran his right hand through what was left of thin grey hair and took a step in my direction. The small gentleman didn’t speak, and it seemed that I might have interrupted his nap.
“Hello,” I said again. “How’s the fishing?”
He took another step in my direction and blinked his eyes several times before speaking. “We don’t sell whiskey here. This is a fish camp. You’ll need to go back down the hill to find any whiskey.”
“NO,” I said louder than before. “HOW’S THE FISHING?”
He walked closer, removed his glasses and used a loose shirttail to wipe the lens. Replacing them on his small nose, he peeked over the top and gave me a hard stare; as if he had just discovered me being in the room.
“I wouldn’t know,” he snorted, and then took another step in my direction. “Haven’t been fishing in years.”
I stood silently, not knowing what to say next.
Still peeking over his glasses, he asked, “Are you wantin’ to go fishing?”
“Well…yes, maybe,” I was stumbling over my words and wondering why I was being questioned.
“Make up your mind, mister. It ain’t huntin’ season, so fishing’s what we offer this time of year.”
“Yes…yes, fishing would be great.” I was watching him stare at me.

You can find “Deadly Decision”
(Carson Reno Mystery Series – Book 15)
by Gerald W. Darnell at:
Amazon – FREE on Kindle Unlimited

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