Whether it be the Bard or Hemingway, insults have peppered literature for centuries. The are the comic relief in a heavy tragedy or a deep philosophical read. For the next few blogs I am going to explore the literary quips from the classics to Shakespeare. I may even delve into some salvos from independent authors.
Let’s get started and have some fun with literary put-downs

—Holden Caulfield in The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. So you’ve questioned someone’s intelligence, and now they’re irate. What better way to drive your argument home?

—Sally Nicholas in The Adventures of Sally by P.G. Wodehouse. Kill two birds with one stone: let him know he’s not up to par romantically or intellectually.

—Cersei Lannister in A Feast For Crows by George R.R. Martin. This is how they say “you ain’t all that and a bag of chips” in the Seven Kingdoms.

—Algernon Moncrieff in The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. Perfect for someone who’s got about as much sense of style as that of punctuality.

—Phyllis Riggs in Central Park West by Woody Allen. The expert glove slap for the comedically challenged.

“Away, you three-inch fool! “
Shakespeare insult 24: King Lear (Act 2, Scene 2)
“Thou art a boil, a plague sore”
Shakespeare insult 37: Troilus and Cressida (Act 2, Scene 1)
“Thou sodden-witted lord! Thou hast no more brain than I have in mine elbows “
When wishing to end a dull or obnoxious conversation

—George in Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Edward Albee. Perfect for hitting the mute button on the constant raconteur.
And finally, when being shamelessly provocative

—Alex in A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. I mean, really, any excuse to say “eunuch jelly thou,” am I right?
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