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Tuesday, August 23, 2016



The Journey: Jamie Lynn Boothe
Within the world there are people that feel helpless, hopeless and think they are all alone. Imagine what happens when you find yourself living in a back alley, homeless, jobless, no money and decide to take the easy way out and take your own life? But, sometimes as the author states a Higher Power comes into play or you might say Divine Intervention and a miracle occurs and you just might be safe. As Samantha found herself all alone, raggedy and filled with despair and took a sharp object and wanted to end her life, little did she know that Cindy would come out of nowhere and save her? This is a story about hope, trust, fear, friendships, rebuilding and redemption when one young girl learns the true meaning of rebuilding and hopefully will not go back on Intimacy the drug that almost took her life. So many start out at rehab and succeed and Samantha and her friend Alex do and then something happens and everything accomplished goes back to square one. Graduating, telling her story to so many she feels fulfilled and filled with hope. Entering Sober House for the first time is an experience that she will never forget. Meeting her roommate was at first hopeful until she finds her shooting up in her bed the next day. Fearful that it might happen to her she bonds with the other women in the house and they start on a unified path of healing. But, not every path is smooth and setbacks are not uncommon but first we hear more about Samantha and how Cindy agreed to sponsor her since she was no longer her counselor and how the bond grew stronger but will it last? As the story unfolds and Samantha is now dealing with the incident with Sharon and speaking with the other girls in the house she and Cindy find a way to bond even more as Alex joins them at the diner for her first dinner in her new home. Added in Cindy offers to take her shopping since she managed to get a waitressing job at the diner where she had diner and the name of the amazing waitress was Jamie Lynn.
Working is fulfilling to Samantha but when her past comes rearing its ugly head in the present instead of withstanding and holding her own she backslides and decides that drugs will win out once more even though speaking to her daughter, Beth, and knowing that she might be allowed to see her, would not only disappoint the child but would alter her progress and make her realize that she has a long way to go before she can say she is completely healed. Living within her guilt was difficult but reaching out for help is the perfect start. Knowing that she could no longer live in the sober house for a week was a sobering and life altering revelation as Cindy takes her in and now she has to reflect and decide just how she will go about healing herself and moving ahead the right way.
Finding love within her family for the first time was a start. But, sometimes forces and circumstances beyond your control take over and you think your life is taking a turn backwards when in reality what happens makes you stronger. Taking control of her life was a huge hurdle for Samantha as things changed when she went to visit her daughter in the hospital and people who wanted to do her real harm overtook her but with the help of Cindy to start she just might find her way back from the darkness and into the light. Many decisions were made that would impact her and her daughter but with the right support she might persevere.
Sometimes a small miracle or something out of the ordinary will come into your line of vision and bring it all into perspective as Samantha has to learn to forgive herself for the past and realize that the disease she had was a huge part of what impacted others and it was not her fault that others paid in tragic ways it was God’s plan. As you hear the final epilogue of her life and story you the reader will also bring tears of hope into your eyes as you pray for Samantha, send her love and courage to find her way to a life filled only with joy, friendships and family.
The circumference of a circle is round and has no jagged edges but sometimes things happen and crack or openings can hinder the beauty of the circle and its inner holdings. As Samantha’s story comes to a close within the pages of this book her life is just beginning and the cracks and openings that were caused by others to hinder her recovery are hopefully going to be repaired so that the circumference of the circle will be mended and those that she chooses to allow within her special sphere or circle will be protected, loved and cared for by her and by each other. With friends like Tracy, Alex, her sister Harmony, her children and Cindy her sponsor and mentor Samantha has only one road that’s the one that is uphill. Will she remain strong? Will she remind herself everyday how blessed she is and that drugs take away who you are and do not allow you to be the best person you can be? Painting, writing and caring for others and helping those that are now in the program to understand the steps needed to succeed will hopefully be the way Samantha will forge ahead helping others take THE JOURNEY. The author created an account that is realistic, true to life as the events really did happen and a book that everyone that has ever had any downfalls, career failings or feels alone should read before your journey in life takes a downward spiral. For teens, young adults, those that are wavering as to how to escape life this book is a great resource to take you on a journey that will make your circle have no cracks.
Fran Lewis: Just reviews/MJ Magazine

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