If you have ever travelled this road, you will appreciate the characters struggle to get and stay clean!
A process or course likened to traveling, such as aseries of trying experiences; a passage: thejourney
from addiction to recovery.

Samantha Jenson is trapped in a world like so many others; a world full of fear and death. A world where the disease of addiction has an iron grasp on her life and controls her soul so powerfully even the strongest of men would cower down on his knees and beg for mercy. A world where she struggles to escape and tries to live at least somewhat of a normal life. Here is the story of a young woman, deeply addicted to the drug called “Intimacy”. Her life has been a disaster because of her addictions through the years but this particular drug is her master. Samantha has lost everything but most importantly her desire to live. Can Samantha escape the talons her demons have on her? Can Samantha regain control of her life and tear down the walls of despair? Will she regain hope, her desire to live and her family? Travel with her on her journey and see what happens in her world. You just might be able to relate.

By Lil
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This review is from: The Journey (Paperback)
as a recovering addict myself,I was moved to tears by this beautiful and touching story of one women’s journeythrough the hell and torture of hitting bottom,and the despair that brings with it,to the hope and beauty of finding recovery…great,great work Jamielyn Boothe! I look forward to reading more of your work!!
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