Sharing the work and world of my fellow authors!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Get Your Reader Hooked With These 8 Tips

By Linda Craig
Readers think it’s easy for a writer to complete and publish a new book, so they are usually impatient when waiting for a new chapter of the series. Most of them don’t understand that an author faces serious obstacles and challenges before he gets to hold the print in his hands.
The hardest thing when writing a new book is to develop an emotional connection with the readers from the very beginning. You’re already attached to your characters, but it’s hard to imagine how your readers would perceive them. Don’t worry; there is someone who understands you after all. Here are 8 tips that will help you do that!
  1. Create a plot and characters that resonate with your audience
Your first goal is to create something that people will want to read. If this is the first time a potential reader sees your name on a book…
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